Organized sexual and ritual violence
Organized sexualized violence refers to the systematic use of severe sexualized violence in conjunction with physical and psychological violence by multiple perpetrators or networks of perpetrators. It is often associated with commercial sexual exploitation, such as forced prostitution or the production of depictions of abuse.
If an ideology serves as a reason or justification for violence, this is referred to as ritual violence. Such an ideology can be religious and occur, for example, in the context of sects and cults, or it can be derived from a political belief, for example in racist or fascist groups.
Helpline berta:
People who are or have been affected by organized sexual and ritual violence, or are confronted with it in a supporting or professional role can find support by calling 0800 30 50 750
Organized sexual or ritual violence often begins in early childhood
The majority of victims contacting the Independent Inquiry Commission, the office of the Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues (UBSKM) and the berta helpline report that they were placed in organized structures through their parents or foster parents. In some cases, the parents’ generation has already grown up in the existing group and the various forms of violence that accompany it. Sexual violence began in early childhood and often continued into adulthood. Survivors describe hierarchies within the group, with men usually forming the leadership level. Of great importance were strict rules of silence and an impeccable and inconspicuous external appearance.
Survivors have to contend with diverse and significant consequences in adulthood. They are often severely physically impaired and suffer from trauma-related disorders, such as dissociation. Furthermore, they are often not believed that the abuse took place in this context. In addition, if they attempt to break away from these violent structures they are often put under pressure, blackmailed and persecuted.
Further information on the topic of organized sexual and ritual violence can be found on the Sexual Abuse Help Portal.
Source: Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues (Unabhängige Beauftragte für Fragen des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs).