
This is who we are
Our heart beats for women in need.
We are the anchor for women in need.

What we do
We support and accompany women in need.
When women live in prostitution.
When women are forced into prostitution.
When women never wanted to do it.

We help women. To get them out of prostitution.
We accompany these women.
We have a shelter house. The women are protected in this house.
They can live in this house. Without fear. Without violence.

This is our association
We stand up for women.
We protect women.
We show women a way into the future.
We have experts in our association.
We answer many questions.
We educate.

Beware of the lover boy
Are you often on the Internet?
Do men write to you on the Internet?
Or do older men approach you?
Do you know these men?
Are these men older than you?
Do these men want to get to know you?
Do they want to meet you? Alone? Without your girlfriend?

Then be careful!
These men may be a lover boy.

What is a lover boy?
A lover boy is often very good-looking.
He writes to you on the Internet.
Or he speaks to you. Without you knowing him.
He compliments you.
He says: You are beautiful.
He says: You’re something special.
He wants to meet you. Alone. Without a girlfriend.
And he tells you: “I love you!”

You believe him.
Because he listens to you.
He has time.
He understands you.
He comforts you.
He takes you in his arms.

When you are sad, he is there for you.
You trust him.
You are in love with him.

What the man says to you may be right.
He can love you.

BUT: He can also lie to you.
What he says is not true.
He wants to take advantage of you.

“If you love me, then that’s what you’re doing!”
Is he asking questions? Then be careful!
He wants you to help him? Then be careful.
For example:
He needs money. And you should help him.
You should sleep with other men. For money.
And give him the money.
Did he threaten you?
Did he say: “If you love me, you’ll do this?”
Or: “Remember what I’ve already done for you!”
Does he hit you?
Does he not want you to talk about him to others?

What can happen?
If you stay with this man, this can happen:
He forces you to have sex with other men.
He beats you.
He does violence to you.
He blackmails you.

Get help
If you experience something like this, get help.
This man does not love you.
This man is taking advantage of you. He is abusing you.
You can come to us. We will help you.

Be attentive
Young people change.
That’s normal.
But sometimes a girl changes a lot.
She puts on a lot of make-up.
She wears eye-catching clothes. Which emphasizes her figure.
She withdraws.
She doesn’t answer any questions.
Her school grades are getting bad.
The girl has met someone.
An older man.
No one knows this man.

It can happen to any girl
Every girl can meet a lover boy.
A lover boy will approach a girl anywhere.
On the internet. In the schoolyard. In a fast food restaurant.

Lover boy = danger
A lover boy is a danger to a girl. Or a young woman.
He threatens her.
He hits her.
She loses everything.
She is dependent on him.
She has to have sex with other men. For money.
The girl has to give the money to the lover boy.
She is a prostitute.
The lover boy is her pimp.

Where can you get help?
It is difficult to free yourself from a lover boy.
But there is help.
We help the girls.
So that they can get free from their lover boy.
We come to the girls.
We talk to them.
We support them.
We are there for them.
Every day. At any time.

Our contact:
Telefon: + 49 (0)89 – 58 96 09 67